Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where did September go?

It's been a while since I last updated the blog - the month of September has just flown by. I can't believe it is already October today! The past couple weeks have been fairly steady and uneventful for us but work, errands, friends, baby all somehow equal busyness.

Asher is doing great - continuing to grow and change every week. He started crawling a couple weeks ago and within the past few days has really begun to jet around the house. Yesterday I left him playing with toys in his room for no more than 2 minutes and all of the sudden I heard thud-thump-thud-bang....and then him screaming. Yep, he had his first experience of falling down the stairs. Needless to say, I will be watching him more closely from now on and we will be buying baby gates this weekend! Oh, by the way, he's ok and wasn't injured by the fall.

Tried to capture some pictures of him with his Pooh bear this morning but all he wanted to do was crawl towards the get the idea though.

Mark and I joined a small group through our church about a month ago and we can already tell it will be a great fit for us. Everyone is around the same age and in the same stage of life with small children - we are looking forward to getting to know everyone better. We are studying a book called The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan. It is incredible so far. But, last night we took a break from our book and had a girls/guys night out. The guys went and did guy things (bowling, i think) and the girls went to pamper ourselves with pedicures! Now, I have not had a pedicure in 8 months so I was definitely excited and looking forward to this! Here is a picture of my beautiful toes after the pedicure (yes, I know it's weird to post a picture of my feet but I am just so excited to have them look good!):

After the pedicure we headed over to Starbucks for a warm beverage....ahh, I love Starbucks, esp. in the Fall. Starbucks has new "Signature" Hot Chocolates that are delightful. I had the Signature Hazelnut Hot Chocolate and I WILL be getting that again soon!

On Saturday we head to the zoo with some friends. We are looking forward to Asher's reaction to all of the animals....will post pictures of this next week.

We're enjoying this season of life - such blessing and sweetness for us right now. Thank you, Jesus.


Mandy said...

love that...."such blessing and sweetness"...

HW said...

wonderful :)

And, Asher is quite the young man...

Joy said...

I have always loved your feet and been slightly envious of their beauty...I'm serious! They look fabulous in that pic. And you have killer awesome toe rings btw. Love you!!!

And Ash-dogg is so cute. I love his cute hair! He is definitely looking more mature. Sweet baby.