Sunday, February 22, 2009

Flowers and Good Friends

The past week or so has been busy with different events and visitors....

First, I got these beautiful flowers from my hubby for Valentine's Day:
Yeah, I know, he did good!

Asher had his good friend Avery over to play...
Watching a video together:
(notice Avery's perfectly polished "fake" smile)
Asher was done with the photo shoot by this picture and was kindly signing "please" to get down off the couch -
Then, one of my dearest friends and roommate from college, Ashley, came to visit for a few days. Sadly, even though we talk on the phone almost every week, we had not seen each other in 3 years! Lame, I know. It was so fun to have time just to hang out, catch up and be together like the good 'ol days!
Asher quickly warmed up to her and won her over with his charming smiles -

Getting ready to go run "errands" (aka spend WAY too much time and money at Target)
Hanging out in the car....he was a good sport the whole time!
So cool in his shades....can you tell he put them on himself?
Love you so much Ash...thanks for coming to visit us!


Joanna said...

SO cute!!! Glad you had a fun week - there is nothing like good friends! :)

Mandy said...

thanks for your note on my blog friend. yea, it would have been great to hang and chat last night, but i totally understand. hope your saturday was fab!