Thursday, May 21, 2009

Such A Little (Big) Boy

Recently, Asher has been doing more and more things that classify him as a "little boy" rather than a baby. Whether it's playing at the park, walking around "talking" on his cell phone, or helping us put the dishes away after dinner (seriously!), he's just changing so quickly right in front of us. The other night he really wanted to sit in his rocking chair BY HIMSELF and read his books BY HIMSELF. Now, granted, this only lasted for about 3 minutes, but I was still able to capture some cute pictures of our little man.


Joanna said...

Such a little cutie pie! And you're right, he is so grown up! He looks pretty proud of himself. :)

The Moffats said...

Awww. Hunter did the same thing a few weeks ago and has been reading on his own a lot since. So cute but it kind of makes me sad :( Asher is such a little cutie.