I love Easter. Reflecting on the sacrifice that Christ made for us and the fact that he conquered death and rose again to give us eternal life brings me to tears. It is the most important "holiday" we observe as Christians!
This year we had a wonderful time celebrating by attending the amazing Easter production at our church, dyeing Easter eggs with friends, and spending Easter Sunday with both sets of our parents and my siblings. Here's a brief recap in pictures:
Ash and I getting ready to dye eggs
Mark hard at work
This year we had a wonderful time celebrating by attending the amazing Easter production at our church, dyeing Easter eggs with friends, and spending Easter Sunday with both sets of our parents and my siblings. Here's a brief recap in pictures:
Ash and I getting ready to dye eggs
AKA: he sat on my lap for about 1 minute and then decided he had more important things to do....
Oh, and in other news, Asher decided on Friday night that he wanted to start walking. There was no convincing him up to that point...he had to decide to do it in his own timing. Within a matter of minutes he was walking across the whole floor (no joke) and hasn't stopped since. Needless to say, he is loving his new found freedom and we will be buying baby gates this week!