Today was somewhat of a rough day for our bubba. Went in to get him up this morning and noticed a weird "rash" on his face. It didn't look like a typical rash but more a sunburn from skiing or something...his forehead and all around his eyes was completely red, solid red. Took his temp at 8:45am and found it was 101. Gave him Tylenol at 10am, put him down for a nap, and then took his temperature again at 11:30 when he woke it was 103 (with Tylenol). So, I called the doctor and got him into the office 15 minutes later. Because the Dr. had never seen a rash or anything like it, she suggested he have some blood work done to see whether this thing was bacterial or viral....needless to say, he was not a big fan of getting his blood drawn!
Showing off his "sunburn"
Showing off his "sunburn"
ah poor little man. i hope you all sleep well tonight and that his fever is gone in the morn.
Sorry to hear that you guys. We'll be praying for his recovery.
Oh, I'm so sorry! It's always so rough when you can't do anything for them.
Hope he feels better soon!
how sad :( Sorry you all have to go through this! Let us know if you need anything...meanwhile, we will be praying he feels better very soon!
he does look like he was shredding the slopes. funny but sad, you know. prayers for a speedy recovery. =)
poor guy! that's the worst. praying for him! miss you.
Ohhh...poor baby. No fun. He is so cute. Did you guys save that paci from the hospital? If so it's lasted awhile! We have a paci-eating monster in our house. Can't seem to keep them for more than a month.
Aww poor little bubba. Hope you all get some rest and that he heals up really quick. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!
How's the little man doing now? I hope it's all cleared up...
Aww! Poor little guy. I hope he's better soon!
Awww...cutle little guy, even in red!
May I suggest you make up a good story to explain to people who ask you what happened?
Something interesting like...."He just got back from a cross-country motorcycle road trip and he's red from the windburn."
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