Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Asher's First Road Trip...California or Bust!

This past week we took a family road trip to Southern California for Steve and Victoria Smith's wedding (Mark was a groomsmen in the wedding). Asher did AMAZINGLY well on the 18 hour trip both to and from California. Actually, he slept better on the trip than he ever does at home! We had a great time overall and it was so good catching up with old friends and enjoying the awesome weather and food of Southern California (I visited Golden Spoon - my favorite frozen yogurt shop - 3 times in the 4 days we were there)! The only downside was that we had a slight encounter with an elk on our drive home. And by "slight" I mean we hit one on the drive home and it banged up my car quite a bit. Not to worry though, Gladys the Stratus is ever so faithful and will not go down without a fight. She is still driving strong, even without a side view mirror and dents all along the side! :)

Here are some pictures from the trip...

Asher lookin' cute

Asher reunited with Uncle Drew!
The Fam at Victoria and Steve's wedding
Asher looked so slick for the wedding...check out his sweet hat!

Those cheeks are just so chunky and irresistible

Our pre-marital counselors and good friends Pete and Julie Forbes

Our good friends Anette and George Rihovsky
Asher absolutely LOVED his auntie Kathleen. He had so much to say to her and made sure to give her lots of smiles! He had so much fun staying with her (actually, we all had SO much fun staying with her). Thanks Kathleen!


Andrew Hartman said...

It was so fun to see you guys and meet Asher! We love the pictures!

Joy said...

What a little stud. You guys are a bunch of freaking hotties in that family pic! I'm so glad Asher did well on the trip, and I'm terribly sorry about Gladys... Glad you had fun!! Love you!