Saturday, August 7, 2010

35 Weeks

It is really hard to believe that I'm already 35 weeks along - this pregnancy has completely flown by for me. While I'm totally uncomfortable and have a hard time doing almost everything, I know the longer the babies stay cookin' the better things will be. I'm hoping to make it a couple more weeks even though, if I were to go into labor now, they wouldn't try and stop it and the babies would be fine. Emotionally and mentally, Mark and I could both use a couple more weeks to "prepare." Ha! Like you can really prepare for two new babies.:) Anyways, here are a couple updated pictures of my belly at 35 weeks:

I'm thinking the next time I post will be when Ireland and Elias are here! Wow.


Kim said...


HW said...

Dan, you look amazing! :) I can't wait to see them! I love the names you've chosen too. :) Love you.l

The Moffats said...

you look as pregnant as I did with ONE baby!!! you look so great! and I can't believe how soon we are going to meet them! hope the shower was great...i was so sad to have missed it :(

Allikaye's Mama said...

Wow! It's almost time!!! Man, time flies by so fast! I love you, and I have been praying for you guys!